How safe do you feel in your neighborhood?

CompStat has critics. They say officers and supervisors who feel pressure to show improvements may be tempted to think of dishonest ways to do it. There have been some case...

5. How long 有多长? VIII、询问身体状况或情绪:feel,matter 1. -\-\-How do you feel? -\-\-你感觉如何? -\-\-I feel sick. -\-\-我觉得不舒服。 -\-\-How does Chen Jie feel? -\-\-陈洁感觉如何? -\-\-She's tired. -\-\-她很疲倦。 2. -\-\-What's the matter? -\-\-怎么了? -\-\-My thr...

来自热门综艺的英语暴击,快学几句实用的英语吧! 最近有一个综艺叫《奇遇人生》很火,邀请了一些嘉宾去国外体验生活,而观众可以和明星嘉宾一起感受奇妙的旅程。但!是!很多粉丝发现,嘉宾和当地人都是用流利的英语交流,虽然有字幕,但是听不懂也是会觉得受到了大大的暴击!...

Never mind, you'll soon feel better. 好啦,好啦,不要紧,你马上会好的。 2. There, there, you said too much. 得啦,得啦,你说的太多了。 3.There, I've filled it up again. 瞧,我又...

the employer isn't the only one who needs to identify a good match—you should be looking for that same exact thing. Company culture can have a big impact on how you feel about your work, so you want to make sure you sign an offer letter with an or...

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